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Code of Conduct & Complaints

Tai Tokerau Timebank (TTT) aims to maintain a safe and enjoyable trading environment for all of its members. Prospective members must read this policy and sign to say they understand and will adhere to the Code of Conduct. A Police Check may be required in some situations.

Tai Tokerau Timebank Code of Conduct

  1. All members have the right to a safe environment where they are treated with respect, dignity and privacy.

  2. Members do not discriminate against other members of Tai Tokerau Timebank. Everyone is welcome to participate in Tai Tokerau Timebank regardless of ethnicity, gender, disability, age, sexual orientation or religious and cultural beliefs as long as they adhere to the Code of Conduct.

  3. Members do not enter other member’s homes unless expressly invited.

  4. Members do not pressure or harass other members in person, by phone or by email about trading or other matters.

  5. Members do not use physical restraint.

  6. Members do not use any form of unwelcome touching unless to prevent personal injury to the person or others.

  7. Members do not betray confidences unless the safety of a person appears to be at risk, and if possible will obtain the prior consent of the person involved.

  8. Members do not use unacceptable language.

  9. Abuse, physical or verbal punishment or chastisement, and exclusive or secretive relationships are not allowed and may be reported to the appropriate authorities, particularly if grooming or other suspicious activity is suspected.

  10. Members are encouraged to report any suspicion or incidence of abuse to a Tai Tokerau Timebank Coordinator. Any reported suspicion or incident will be taken seriously and will be fully recorded by the Timebank Coordinator, who will contact the appropriate authorities to deal with the matter in line with their procedures.

  11. Members not adhering to the Tai Tokerau Timebank Code of Conduct will have their membership reviewed and may be excluded from the Tai Tokerau Timebank.


  • Remember that, if there is a dispute between members regarding offers and requests they should, in the first instance, attempt to resolve this themselves.

  • If you are concerned about some aspect of your experience as a member of Tai Tokerau Timebank please come and talk to us. Your local coordinator will try to resolve your concern. 

  • If your concern is still not resolved please let us know by email/in writing, addressing your complaint to the Operations Manager at or by post c/o EcoCentre, Bank Street, Kaitāia 0410

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