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Whangārei Raised Bed Working Bee

WHANGAREI WORKING BEE – earn time credits and help to build raised beds at He Awhi Rito, our new Environment Hub!


Where:              He Awhi Rito, 8 First Ave, - next to Botanica / Fernery

When:               Tuesday 19th Dec – start at 12pm

What:                To build 4 raised beds with funder's money and plant veggies.

To Bring:           Wear old clothes, gardening gloves,

Purpose:           To establish a community raised bed garden in an area not prone to flooding, as per the funder’s criteria.


This raised bed garden will:

·       assist in providing produce for local flood affected families,

·       act as a show piece for those wishing to restore / establish a garden with food producing plants

·       provide seeds / seedlings for local families to take home so they can re-plant their flood affected gardens and get vegetables growing.

·       The hub building itself incorporates a workshop space that is ideal for running workshops to educate local families / communities on growing food.

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