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Meaningful Movies Film Series Hosted byTai Tokerau Timebank Whangārei & Transition Whangārei

On Thursday 26th October Tai Tokerau Timebank in Whangārei and Transition Whangārei hosted their first collaborative event and the first in a new series of monthly film nights they are running called Meaningful Movies.

They screened a public showing of the film Living the Change by Happen Films in St Stephens Church Community Rooms, Onerahi.

We were delighted with a turnout of 15 interested people, considering it clashed with the Whangārei Film Society night showing of some short films!

Several Timebank members came and joined together with others after the screening to connect up and chat over tea.

The Church secretary, Paul Doherty, very kindly provided some refreshments – including his delicious homemade sourdough bread!

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